1  Introduction

Learning outcomes
  • Explain that the main advantage of visualizing data instead of presenting it with numbers is that they are easier to interpret for humans.

  • Understand that the advantage of using a high level level visualization syntax is that it allows us to think in terms of the data, rather than focusing on graphical details.

  • Understand that a grammar of graphics defines grammatical rules that can be used to construct entire visualizations from smaller building blocks, such geometric marks and aesthetic encodings.

  • Apply the visualization grammars in Altair and ggplot to create a basic chart via alt.Chart().mark_point().encode(x='...', y='...', color='...') and
    ggplot() + aes(x=..., y=..., color=...) + geom_point()

1.1 What is data visualization?

At its core, data visualization is about representing numbers with graphical elements such as the position of a point, the length of a bar, or the color of a line.

1.2 What is the purpose of visualizing data?

We can use visualizations both to improve own understanding of data and to effectively communicate our data insights to others. While we often use visualization to help us answer a specific question we have about our dataset, it can also help us generate new questions.

1.3 Why bother visualizing data instead of showing raw numbers?

To understand why visualizations are so powerful, it is helpful to remember that to answer a question, we often have to put the data in a format that is easy for us humans to interpret. Because our number systems have only been around for about 5,000 years, we need to assert effort and train ourselves to recognize structure in numerical data.

Visual systems, on the other hand, have undergone refinement during 500,000,000 years of evolution, so we can instinctively recognize visual patterns and accurately estimate visual properties such as colours and distances.

Practically, this means that we can arrive at correct conclusions faster from studying visual rather than numerical representations of the same data. For example, have a look at the four sets of numbers in the table on the slide. Can you see the differences in the general trends between these four sets of numbers? This is a slightly modified version of the original, which was put together by statistician Francis Anscombe in the 70s.

10.00 8.04
8.00 6.95
13.00 7.58
9.00 8.81
11.00 8.33
14.00 9.96
6.00 7.24
4.00 4.26
12.00 10.84
7.00 4.81
5.00 5.68
10.00 9.14
8.00 8.14
13.00 8.74
9.00 8.77
11.00 9.26
14.00 8.10
6.00 6.13
4.00 3.10
12.00 9.13
7.00 7.26
5.00 4.74
10.00 7.46
8.00 6.77
13.00 8.50
9.00 7.11
11.00 7.81
14.00 8.84
6.00 6.08
4.00 5.39
12.00 8.15
7.00 6.42
5.00 5.73
8.00 6.58
8.00 5.76
8.00 7.71
8.00 8.84
8.00 8.47
8.00 7.04
8.00 5.25
19.00 12.50
8.00 5.56
8.00 7.91
8.00 6.89

Summary statistics don’t tell the whole story

You are likely not able to see much difference between the data sets in the table above. What about if I showed you a few commonly used numerical summaries of the data?

9.00 7.50
3.32 2.03
9.00 7.50
3.32 2.03
9.00 7.11
3.32 1.15
9.00 7.50
3.32 2.03

Summaries, such as the mean and standard deviation, are helpful statistical tools that are often useful for detecting the differences between datasets. However, since they collapse the data into just a few numbers, statistical summaries can’t tell the whole story about the data and there can be important differences between datasets that summaries fail to reveal.

Above, the mean and standard deviation indicate that set C is slightly different from the other sets of data in terms of the centre of the sample distribution and the spread of that distribution, while the remaining three sets of data have a similar centre and spread.

Plotting the data immediately reveals patterns in the data

So if you can’t really see any patterns in the data and the statistical summaries are the same, that must mean that the four sets are pretty similar, right? Sounds about right to me so let’s go ahead and plot them to have a quick look and…

… what… how can they be so different… there must be something wrong, right? Well what is wrong is that humans are not good at detecting patterns in raw numbers, and we don’t have good intuition about which combination of numbers can contribute to the same statistical summaries. But guess what we excel at? Detecting visual patterns!

It is immediately clear to us how these sets of numbers differ once they are shown as graphical objects instead of textual objects. We could not detect these patterns from only looking at the raw numbers or summary statistics This is one of the main reasons why data visualization is such a powerful tool for data exploration and communication.

In our example above, we would come to widely different conclusions about the behaviour of the data for the four different data sets. Sets A and C are roughly linearly increasing at similar rates, whereas set B reaches a plateau and starts to drop, and set D has a constant X-value for all numbers except one big outlier.

A modern take on Anscombe’s quartet

For a more recent and dynamic illustration of how graphical representations are much easier for us to interpret, check out the Datasaurus Dozen animation below. It displays several different datasets, all with the same mean, standard deviation and correlation between X and Y, but looking at the data graphically shows us how different these datasets actually are.

Datasaurus Dozen Animation
The Datasaurus Dozen: Datasets with identical summary statistics but very different distributions.

Now that we have experienced the benefits of visualizing data, let’s figure out how to create such visualizations!

1.4 Which visualization library should we pick?

There is a lot we can learn about visualization without using coding, but in order to make this learning experience interactive, we will create charts programmatically as we learn about new visualization concepts.

In order to do so, we will start by selecting which visualization library to use. To make an informed decision, it is helpful to understand that most visualization libraries can be classified as taking either a high level declarative approach or a low level imperative approach to creating visualization.

Exercise 1

To understand the difference between these two approaches, let’s start with an example, using the following small toy data set:

x y group
0 0.2 0.6 a
1 0.6 0.9 a
2 1.2 1.8 b
3 2.4 2.7 b

A helpful way to illustrate the difference between the two syntax approaches is to imagine that we want to create a chart where we color the points according to their group. Here is pseudocode1 that illustrates this difference:

fig = create_figure()
colors = ['blue', 'yellow']
for color, group in zip(colors, df['group'].unique()):
    tmp_df = df[df['group'] == group]
    fig.add_chart(tmp_df['x'], tmp_df['y'], label=group, color=color)

Although the same chart is created from both these pseudocode examples, the syntax looks widely different. Before clicking on the hint and solution below to read our explanation of the two approaches, pause here and try to describe the differences between the two in your own words2.

Does one of the approaches focus more on the data and the other more on the plot-specific details?

Based on the syntax of the exercise above, we can say that a declarative approach to visualization let’s us express ourselves in terms of the data (color='group') whereas an imperative approach to visualization focuses more explicitly on plot construction details such as defining colors explicitly and then assigning them to groups by looping through the data.

A related way to understand declarative vs imperative approaches is to consider the difference between giving an instruction in each:

“Color by the column group in the dataframe.”

Focus: Declaring links between data variables (e.g., group) and graphical properties (e.g. color). The rest of the plot details (such as which colors to use) are handled automatically.

“Loop over the dataframe and plot any observations of group A in blue and any observations of group B in yellow.”

Focus: Being explicit with all the details for creating the chart via for-loops and low-level drawing commands.

In this book we will learn about declarative visualization tools, since these allow us to code a high-level specification of what we want the visualization to include, rather than coding out the details of how to implement the visualization. Another way to state this would be that high level libraries focus on data and relationships, whereas low level libraries focus on plot construction details.

Among declarative visualization libraries, there are still a few different approaches to how visualization is created. Here, we are going to learn about libraries that implement a so called “grammar of graphics”.

1.5 What is a grammar of graphics?

A graphical grammar is a system for creating visualizations by combining basic elements according to specific rules. It parallels the grammars of natural and programming languages, but applies to visual components.

We are all familiar with the grammatical rules for natural languages3, where they tell us how to combine words into sentences to convey particular meanings. Programming languages also have a grammatical structure, let’s see how they work in the following exercise:

Exercise 2

What do you think the output would be of the following Python code?

1 + 2

As you might have expected, the output is 3 because Python uses the conventional rules of mathematics to add the two numbers together. Almost all programming languages follow this rule. But what does the +-operator do if we are trying to add something other than numbers. What do you think the output would be of the following code? Do you think it differs between programming languages?

'one' + 'two'

Just like that addition of numbers contain all counts of the individual numbers, maye the addition of two strings would contain all the characters from both the strings?

The grammar of Python defines that the +-operator should perform concatenation when strings are added together, so the returned result would be "onetwo". In contrast, the grammar of R says that there is no such thing as addition of strings, so it would throw an error complaining that non-numeric arguments were passed to the +-operator.

As with the grammar of programming languages, visualization packages make different choices for what happens when different visual elements are added together. Key components of a graphical grammar often include:

  1. Canvas: The background or base of the chart.
  2. Geometric marks: Visual elements representing data (e.g. points, bars).
  3. Visual encoding: Rules for mapping data to visual properties (e.g. the column 'group' to color).

In the next session, we will see how these components can be added together using code.

The following table illustrates the similarities between the grammars of programming, natural language and graphics:

Component Natural Language Programming Language Graphical Grammar
Basic Units Words Variables, literals Marks (points, lines, bars)
Syntax Rules Word order, punctuation Syntax rules, operators Rules for combining marks, layers, aesthetics
Semantics Word meanings, context Expression meanings Meanings of visual encodings
Composition Sentences, paragraphs Statements, code blocks Layers, facets
Output Text Executable code Data visualizations
Modifiers Adjectives, adverbs Attributes, parameters Scales, legends, annotations

Understanding these parallels enables users to approach data visualization systematically, leveraging a defined set of components and rules.

1.6 Learning to speak with a grammar of graphics

To start creating our own charts, we will work with two libraries that implement a grammar of graphics: Altair in Python, and ggplot in R. These two libraries both offer a powerful and concise visualization grammar for quickly building a wide range of statistical charts.

What does these grammars look like? In brief, we first create a canvas/chart, then encode our data variables as different channels in this chart (x, y, color, etc) and add geometric marks to represent the data (points, lines, etc). You can see an illustration of this in the image below, together with how ggplot (top) and Altair (bottom) implements the grammatical components in their respective syntax. The exact syntax is slightly different, but the overall structure very much the same.

As a result of the predictable structure, a grammar of graphics allows you to create an impressive range of visualizations from simple to sophisticated. A graphical grammar also makes it notably easier to change between different types of plots, as the code syntax follows a predictable structure and only parts of the grammar changes between charts. In fact, Altair and ggplot have been show to be two of the libraries that require the least amount of changes in the code between different types of visualizations.

Let’s get coding!

Data in Altair and ggplot is built around “tidy” dataframes, which consists of a set of named data columns (also referred to as variables or fields) with one feature each and rows with one observation each. Here, we will load in a small dataset relating to cars containing historical trends in automotive design, performance, and efficiency.

Stellar charts

Altair is the name of a star in the same constellation as the star Vega, which is also the name of the Javascript library that Altair is built upon.

Grammatically correct

The “gg” in ggplot is a reference to the book “Grammar of Graphics”, which inspired the creation of the ggplot library.

import altair as alt
import pandas as pd

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joelostblom/teaching-datasets/main/cars.csv'
cars = pd.read_csv(url)
Name Miles_per_Gallon Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Weight_in_lbs Acceleration Year Origin
0 chevrolet chevelle malibu 18.0 Eight 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 1970-01-01 USA
1 buick skylark 320 15.0 Eight 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 1970-01-01 USA
2 plymouth satellite 18.0 Eight 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 1970-01-01 USA
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
396 dodge rampage 32.0 Four 135.0 84.0 2295 11.6 1982-01-01 USA
397 ford ranger 28.0 Four 120.0 79.0 2625 18.6 1982-01-01 USA
398 chevy s-10 31.0 Four 119.0 82.0 2720 19.4 1982-01-01 USA

399 rows × 9 columns


url <- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joelostblom/teaching-datasets/main/cars.csv'
cars <- read_csv(url)
Name Miles_per_Gallon Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Weight_in_lbs Acceleration Year Origin
1 chevrolet chevelle malibu 18.0 Eight 307.0 130.0 3504.0 12.0 0.0 USA
2 buick skylark 320 15.0 Eight 350.0 165.0 3693.0 11.5 0.0 USA
3 plymouth satellite 18.0 Eight 318.0 150.0 3436.0 11.0 0.0 USA
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
397 dodge rampage 32.0 Four 135.0 84.0 2295.0 11.6 4383.0 USA
398 ford ranger 28.0 Four 120.0 79.0 2625.0 18.6 4383.0 USA
399 chevy s-10 31.0 Four 119.0 82.0 2720.0 19.4 4383.0 USA

399 rows × 9 columns

Now let’s create our first charts!

The fundamental object in Altair is the Chart, which takes a data frame as a single argument alt.Chart(cars). With a chart object in hand, we can now specify how we would like the data to be visualized. We first indicate what kind of geometric mark we want to use to represent the data. We can set the mark attribute of the chart object using any the Chart.mark_* methods. For example, we can show the data as points using mark_point():


Although it looks like there is only one point in the chart, there is actually one point per row in the dataset, all plotted on top of each other. To visually separate the points, we can map various encoding channels, (or just encodings or channels for short), to columns in the dataset. For example, we could encode the colum Miles_per_Gallon (how many miles a car can travel on each gallon of fuel) of the data using the x channel, which represents the x-axis position of the points. To specify this, we use the encode method:


For all Altair charts, you can see that there is a button with three dots to the top right. If you click this you will have options to save the chart and to open the underlying Vega-Lite code. We will see how to save charts programmatically in a later chapter.

In ggplot2, we begin by creating a canvas linked with our dataset with ggplot(cars) and encode the aesthetics of the chart with the aes() function, which maps a column in the data frame to a dimension in the chart.

ggplot(cars) + aes(x = Miles_per_Gallon)

To visualize the data, we need to tell ggplot which geometric mark to use for representing the data. Let’s use points via the geom_point() function. You don’t see any output here because geom_point() requires both an x and y aesthetic; we will see how to add these in the next code block (in fact this expression would raise an error if evaluated, so here we just show the code).

ggplot(cars) + aes(x = Miles_per_Gallon) + geom_point()

Note that instead of ggplot() + aes() you will often see ggplot(aes()). These are functionally the same, but putting aes() outside ggplot() gives some additional flexibility as we will see later.

To quote or not to quote

As you can see, in Altair you need to use quotes to refer to the column names while in ggplot you don’t. Why is that? This is because Python is a stricter language than R, and requires that packages follow its fundamental rules and we can’t reference a column as an unquoted variable name. In R, a package is more free to redefine the rules and essentially create a domain specific syntax for its purpose. This has both pros and cons: it is convenient to not have to type the quotes and to get tab completion for column names, but it is inconvenient to write functions and program with these constructs as detailed in the dplyr documentation.

Though we’ve now separated the data by one attribute, we still have multiple points overlapping within each category. Let’s further separate these by spreading the data out over the y-axis. With the addition of a second dimension in our chart, we’re ready to ask our first question about the data. Let’s say we’re interested in how a car’s fuel efficiency is related to its engine power. To answer this question, we would want to explore the relationship between the columns Miles_per_Gallon and Horsepower (how powerful the engine is), which we can do by assigning them to the x and y dimension, respectively.

ggplot(cars) +
        x = Miles_per_Gallon,
        y = Horsepower
    ) +
Warning: Removed 14 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Styling differences

The default style is quite different between the libraries. Both have advantages, and they are easy to customize to look however you want, which we will also get into later. It’s worth noting that ggplot does not including the origin of the plot (x=0, y=0) by default, but Altair does in many cases. Both these defaults are sensible in different context, which we will learn more about in later chapters.

You can also see that ggplot will print a warning when there are some observations that can be plotted due to missing values in one of the two columns. Altair also avoids plotting these observations, but is less verbose and does not print a warning.

Finally, note that = for parameter assignment is surrounded by spaces in R but not in Python.

This type of chart is often called a “scatter plot”. Characteristic for a scatter plot is that there is one graphical element (often a point) per observations in the data and one column each on the x and y axis. We will learn more about for which purposes it is effective later in the book.

Exercise 3

Study the chart above, what can you say about the relationship between Horsepower and Miles_per_Gallon? If you choose to use statistical terms such as talking about the correlation between the two variables, try to express yourself in common English as if you were explaining what the chart means to someone of the general public. Finally, it’s always good to ask yourself if your interpretation of the chart makes sense, given your knowledge about how the world works.

It can be helpful to start with a particular area of the chart. For example, look at the cars with the most powerful engines (highest horsepower), what is their fuel efficiency? Now do the same for the cars with the least powerful engines and compare the two.

From the chart, we can see that Horsepower and Miles_per_Gallon are “negatively correlated”. In plain English, this means that cars with more powerful engines (higher Horsepower), have lower fuel efficiency (lower Miles_per_Gallon). This makes sense as more powerful engines often consume more gas than less powerful ones. Note that we can’t make claims about a causal relationship from the chart alone, but in this case the observed relationship in the chart supports our mechanistic understanding of the world.

Our conclusion above makes sense for the data we showed in chart. But remember that there are other variables in our dataframe, let’s show it again as a reminder.

Name Miles_per_Gallon Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Weight_in_lbs Acceleration Year Origin
0 chevrolet chevelle malibu 18.0 Eight 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 1970-01-01 USA
1 buick skylark 320 15.0 Eight 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 1970-01-01 USA
2 plymouth satellite 18.0 Eight 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 1970-01-01 USA
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
396 dodge rampage 32.0 Four 135.0 84.0 2295 11.6 1982-01-01 USA
397 ford ranger 28.0 Four 120.0 79.0 2625 18.6 1982-01-01 USA
398 chevy s-10 31.0 Four 119.0 82.0 2720 19.4 1982-01-01 USA

399 rows × 9 columns

What if one of the other columns also influence a car’s fuel efficiency? For example, it seems likely that the weight of the car impacts fuel efficiency, since more force is needed to propel a larger mass. To explore this variable, we can add more dimensions to this chart, e.g. specifying which column we want to color the points by.

When using the color encoding channel, Altair will automatically figure out an appropriate colorscale to use. The Weight_in_lbs column contains continuous numerical data so a continuous gradient will be used for the colorscale. The largest value in the Weight_in_lbs column is represented with a dark color since this has the highest contrast to the light background of the chart.


When using the color encoding channel, ggplot will automatically figure out which colorscale to use. The Weight_in_lbs column contains continuous numerical data so a continuous gradient will be used for the colorscale. The largest value in the Weight_in_lbs column is represented with a light color since this has the highest contrast to the dark background of the chart.

ggplot(cars) +
        x = Miles_per_Gallon,
        y = Horsepower,
        color = Weight_in_lbs
    ) +
Warning: Removed 14 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Making space

Notice the difference in how the legend is added in the two libraries. In Altair the overall width of the figure was increased to keep the dimensions of the chart area the same, whereas in ggplot the width of the figure is kept constant so the chart area must narrow to accommodate the legend. In general, we don’t want the chart area to shrink just because we are adding a legend, so here we would need to manually increase the width of the ggplot chart, which we will learn about in a future chapter.

Exercise 4

How does a car’s weight relate to its fuel efficiency?

As with the previous exercise, you can try to start with a specific area of the chart, first focusing on finding the fuel efficiency of the cars with the highest horsepower, and then compare it to the cars with the lowest horsepower.

We can see that weight is correlated positively with Horsepower and negatively with Miles_per_Gallon. This aligns with our knowledge about the world: heavy cars require bigger engines and more fuel to propel them forward. However, remember that we can’t say anything about causation from the chart alone, we can just note the correlation and that is what we would expect based on our knowledge about physics of moving objects.

1.7 Deep dive

The R and Python visualization ecosystems

There are a wide variety of high-level and low-level tools for visualizing data in R and Python. While we have already outline the advantages of the libraries we chose, it can be helpful to be aware of which others are avaialble since you are likely to encounter some of them in the wild. In this diagram you can see an overview of how which other libraries exist and how they are connected.

As a reward for checking out the deep dive, enjoy this genAI composition of the visualization landscapes in R and Python.

Data Viz Ecosystem
Generated with artificial intelligence

1.8 Exercise mission

With a commitment to sustainability and a vision for a greener future, Viridia is taking proactive steps to investigate and mitigate its environmental impact. One significant area of focus is the emissions associated with food consumption and production. Minister Reed, head of the environment department, has called on you to step up to help and tasked with investigating emissions in the city of Viridia.

Minister Reed
Position Head of Environment
Department Urban Food Systems
ID Number EI-2024-0042
Clearance Level 5

Exercise 5

To start with your investigation, you’ll need to visualize the emissions data effectively. This will help unlock insights crucial for the Ministry of Environment. The data looks like this:

Food Item Total Food Supply (kg/capita/yr) Emissions (Kg CO2 / kg product)
0 Apples 21.33 0.3
1 Bananas 15.11 0.8
2 Barley (Beer) 0.46 1.1
... ... ... ...
34 Tomatoes 18.60 1.4
35 Wheat & Rye (Bread) 84.96 1.4
36 Wine 11.45 1.4

37 rows × 3 columns

Before you dive into coding, Minister Reed wants to ensure that you have understood your task…

Exercise 6

It’s time to put the Grammar of Graphics to good use. Create a scatter plot of the food supply and emissions data by following these steps:

  1. Instantiate the chart from the food_emission dataframe
  2. Use the point mark to create a point for each observation in the data.
  3. Encode Total Food Supply (kg/capita/yr) in the x channel and Emissions (Kg CO2 / kg product) in the y channel.

You can use the code cells below to code your answer:

For a reminder of the syntax, review section Section 1.6.

    x='Total Food Supply (kg/capita/yr)',
    y='Emissions (Kg CO2 / kg product)',
ggplot(food_emission) +
        x=`Total Food Supply (kg/capita/yr)`,
        y=`Emissions (Kg CO2 / kg product)`,
    ) +

Exercise 7

These are striking results! There are some clear clusters and outliers in the data. With altair you can add a tooltip just as you have been using x, y, and color. Try it out to investigate which foods these are.

Take a closer look at the emissions data table - you’ll need the correct column name for the tooltip.

    x='Total Food Supply (kg/capita/yr)',
    y='Emissions (Kg CO2 / kg product)',
    tooltip='Food Item',
Exercise 8

  1. “pseudocode” is an informal way of writing code that is often used to explain a concept to the reader↩︎

  2. Actively engaging your brain in exercises like this instead of simply trying to memorize an explanation you read, aids in recalling the information later↩︎

  3. What you typically think of as “a language”: English, Mandarin, Hindi, Swedish, etc↩︎